
Initial Ideas

I have watched many of the films listed on our brief sheet such as, Loguns Run, 2012, Alive, i Robot, 28 Days Later, Terminator 2, Children Of Men and The Day After Tomorrow. I have also been researching into post apocalyptic situations and how people survive. 

Some initial ideas I came up with while researching on post apocalyptic situations was:
·         Creating a menu- when there is a natural disaster and all means of food have been destroyed or disappeared, survivors have to find means of food and use what ever is available. My idea was to create a menu of food with what was available and on offer.

·         Creating a piece of warm clothing- after watching the films and researching I have found that warm clothing is essential in surviving and if the world had been destroyed by some disaster. I thought of creating an item on clothing from things that are left and are likely to be found after a disaster, such as knitting a blanket or cloak that would keep them warm or clothing made out of card or paper. I would also look into thermal materials, what would keep you warm and for a long period of time .

   I have become inspired by mainly two films: the day after tomorrow and alive. This is mainly because I have seen how difficult snowy and icy conditions are to survive in, and one aspect I became interested in was how difficult it was for survivors to travel in the snow when it comes to footwear.  

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