
Ice Age

I decided to research into the ice age to see what cause it and how it come about happening. 
An ice age is when the earth sees a dramatic drop in temperature and atmosphere, these then results in large sheets of ice and snow forming across all the land and also causes rivers and seas to freeze over.

There can be many causes of an ice age such as: atmospheric composition , changes in the earth’s orbit around the sun, the motion of tectonic plates,  the orbital dynamics of the Earth-Moon system. These entire situations could have a part to play in the cause of an ice age. 

Here is an image to show what happens to the world when an ice age occurs, the ice and snow starts to take over the whole world creating devastation to civilisation. 

After researching about ice ages and how it affects the world, I have become inspired and have been thinking of initial ideas, if I was to use this as my main situation. 

After watching the films alive and the day after tomorrow and how people survived I have looked into one particular situation that I have found survivors and people struggle with which is travelling around in the snow and ice.  I have done some initial research into footwear used in the snow. 

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