

Overall I think that this project was a success, I am happy with the final outcome of the three chairs, but if I did have more time I would of probably made more of the chairs but keeping to the antique designs that I have stuck to with in the duration of my project.
One thing I may have changed depending on the time is the materials that I used, I would have tried to use a variety of other materials such as wood, other metals etc., this would then create a greater variation between the chairs.
This project did not go any further than research due to the fact that I struggled for any ideas, I started by looking  for artists work and ideas for inspiration, but due to the lack of time I focused on my other projects.


I have decided not to continue with this project the reason being the push for time to complete it and also my ideas didn't really kick of from where I left them. If I did have more time then I probably would have definitely stuck with trying to record shadows at different times of the day, looking at a variety of ways I could have done that such as photography.

Final piece

My 100 images of chewing gum were each individually cropped and resized to a reasonable size. Each photo was checked that the lighting was correct and adjusted accordingly. I decided to crop each photo square as I have put them altogether to create a large square piece consisting of all 100 photos.

Final chairs

I have decided to make a small velvet cushion for each of the chairs to display them and also photograph them, this I feel will make them look much more vintage and antique which is what I was looking to create. I also think think that when they are photographed they will almost look like proper chairs and almost something that is not practical to wear unless the cushion is removed.

These are my three final chairs which have been photographed using the little black cushions I have made 

copper chairs

I have created my final three chairs in the metal workshop. 
Instead of using the aluminium wire I have used copper, this is because i would not of been able to weld or solder to aluminium together which is possible with copper. I have spot welded the wire back rest of the chair to the base as it would be a lot more precise for what I am creating. 

 As you can see the wire is a bronze colour and the band is a silver colour. As I am trying to create antique style chairs I will spray paint each chair to make is look more grand and to give a more finished look. 

chair experiment

I have created a prototype of a chair that can be worn as jewellery, I have used aluminium wire to make all parts of the chair and designed the back rest of the chair keeping in mind the antique designs I have been looking at.

As you can see I have twsited the wire to form the shape of the chair and also wrapped the legs around the base of the chair. These when made will be worn on the upper arm to create bangle.

Antique chairs

After researching I have become inspired by the work of Pablo Reinoso and have had a few ideas on how I can develop my work. I have be looking at creating jewellery that can be worn on the arm which is in the shape of the chair using different materials. 

Initially I have started to look at antique chairs and the different design there are and how the shapes of the chairs vary. 

What I love about antique chairs is the elaborate designs that are used and also the rich colours used as like in the picture above. After looking after the different styles of the chairs I think I will definitely be going along this path to create my final piece.

Final idea

I decided I wanted to take photos of chewing gum in different settings and i wanted to focus on the textures that the chewing would be placed on and also the angle of the chewing gum was positioned, I also wanted to concentrate on the angle that the photograph was taken as to create more focus on the chewing gum itself.
Also after looking at the advertisements of chewing, I decided that in a way I almost wanted to advertise the chewing gum and make them the main focus in each photo.
Here are some examples of the photos I took.

With the photos i took of the chewing gum, I tried to create many different styles of taking the photos, so i took some with a depth of field; I zoomed in closely to the gum in some and zoomed further out in others to create a contrast between all the photos. I thought very carefully about each individual photo, and the angle it would lay at and how it would be situated. 
I also wanted the final piece and each individual photo to look like an advertisement for the chewing gum, as obviously in each photo it is the main focus 


For the wood workshop we had to create a scaled down version of a machine used in the 3d room, we created a version of the drilling machine.
Firstly we had measure each part of the machine, then scale each part down to a sixth of the original size. we had to cut each piece to the correct size and attach them together.

initial ideas

I took much inspiration from the artist Michael Neff. I love the fact that once the shadow itself disappears that shadow outline will still be there.

I have been experimenting with my own art and photos trying to create my own ways to record shadows as they move according to the time of day.

chewing gum advertisements

I have looked at various pictures of chewing gum advertisements to see how the differ, and look at the styles they use and they way they photograph them.

initial ideas

My initial idea was to create a flip book of chewing gum, where I would take a photo of a pack of gum and gradually take the piece of gum out making sure that I photographed it each time I moved it. Which would then result in me having many photos very slightly different to each other which I would of placed together to form a book which could then be flipped which would create the effect that the chewing gum was moving.

Here I experimented by taking photos of the chewing gum at different stages of pulling the chewing gum out of the packet.

Here is another way i tried of taking photos of the chewing gum of different stages of it breaking up as if it had been chewed.

I have decided against this idea it would not flow as well as I liked as a flip book, this is because I would want to use the gum itself as well as the packet. This I found would be alot trickier than I thought and would not flow as well as I liked